Monday, October 21, 2013

Shots! Shots! Shots!

Today the little baby got his first round of vaccinations. I must admit, I was really anxious and a bit stressed out last night and early this morning. I did not know how many shots he needed to get, how he was going to react during and after the vaccination. 

Mitchell and I walked into the doctor's office and Mateo was in such a good mood. They first took his weight and height. He now weighs 11 lbs 11oz and is 23 inches long! I can't believe how big he is getting, its a bittersweet feeling. After they took his measurements, Mateo just laid on the scale like a happy little camper. He began to talk to himself not knowing what was about to happen. 

Mateo did really well despite the three shots and dose of Vitamin D. He stopped crying before we even left the doctor's office! But once we got home, the wailing began. I wanted to cry with him! Needless to say, he fell asleep in my arms and took his morning nap on my chest. I just couldn't put him down while he was hurting. Mitchell was able to pick up the tylenol prescription and we administered a dose to the baby. 

The rest of the day was cake. I was able to finish one of my midterms (did I mention that I'm still in school?), completed Mateo's Halloween costume AND went out for some errands. Even though in writing it seems like I accomplished a lot, I feel like today was unproductive for some reason. 

Tomorrow is another day in the life but I'm sure there'll be many more surprises.

  • Mateo got his first round of vaccines
  • I volunteered to make pumpkin bread for a bake sale
  • Mitchell started a load of laundry and made the bed for me so that I wasn't stressed out by the mess
  • Mom put up the fall decor around the house for Mateo

Monday, October 7, 2013

New Roles

It has been nearly two months since we welcomed our little bundle into the world.

I am going to be honest, it is so hard! It is so hard being a mom. I absolutely love my son and would do anything for him; I am just so worn out already. I had a case of the Baby Blues during the first couple weeks of being home but luckily I have such a great support system. Everyone around me helped out whenever they could so that I could re-group. I was able to leave the house at least once a day to spend some time with myself. Man, that made such a difference.

Mitchell broke his toe, literally the day after we got home from the hospital. Although this is very unfortunate, I am incredibly glad this happened. He has been able to stay at home with the baby and I the past two months. He has been helping me with whatever needs to get done around the house and with the baby.

So here I am, still adjusting to the role of being a new wife and mom. 

It has taken a little while for me to get used to the fact that I cannot control everything around me. For example, I thought that my baby was going to be the perfect sleeper and boy was I wrong. During the first month, the baby was extremely colicky. He was overtired all the time and because of this, he wouldn't sleep. Sleep begets sleep, I guess. Those weeks of an overtired baby was extremely hard.

I had to embrace the fact that our child was extremely fussy and my plan was going to change. Mitchell reminded me that we had a smooth pregnancy and delivery AND a healthy baby. Thank you, Lord. 

Today was one of those days. One of those days where I forget how incredibly blessed I am to be a mom. God has trusted us to create and raise this little human, so who am I to question whether we are ready or not? Of course we are ready, God has prepared us for this adventure. 

  • Mateo put himself to sleep but kept waking up every ten minutes
  • I was able to cut fabric for our Halloween costumes
  • Mitchell went grocery shopping, cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen
  • I started lifting weights again and it was brutal

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mrs. Ruiz

This blog is to record the small moments that I will forget throughout the course of my life. It is for my husband, so that we may look back onto our lives as newlyweds and new parents. It is for my children, so that they may have something tangible that describes their existence. It is for me, so that I can read these posts and have a trip down memory lane.

As of this moment, Mitchell is at school attending his fire science class and Mateo is fussing in his swing. 

Our lives have changed dramatically over the past year and its been one roller-coaster ride. If anyone were to have approached me and said, "By this time next year you will be a wife and a mom", I would've laughed hysterically. But it would've been the truth. Mitchell and I married in April, gave birth to a beautiful boy in August and trying our hand in parenting right now. 

  • We used the video monitor for the first time while Mateo napped in his own room by himself
  • Mitchell took care of Mateo all night long so that I could get some rest
  • I pumped 14 ounces of breastmilk in the morning (TMI?)
  • I signed up and began Weight Watchers at 135 lbs. 

Here is to the beginning of this blog, CHEERS!